Exercise Your Creativity

Thousands of articles have been written about the benefits of physical exercise. You can make a list two pages long and still not cover them all. Big ones include improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and durability, better immune system, weight management, and having pants that fit. The benefits go beyond the physical and also include mental clarity, focus, and, my favorite, expanded creativity.

Exercise aids creativity

I walk the dog for 30-45 minutes just about every day. These walks give me time to tune out the world and tune into my mind. I get to reflect on my work in progress and come up with ideas that escaped me while at the keyboard. About ten minutes into striding along the up and down paths of Colorado my mind gets to work. Heart rate’s up, breathing’s found its rhythm, and now my creativity comes out to play.

A similar burst comes immediately following an intense workout (my two favorites are martial arts and weight training). Fitness folks talk of the EPOC Effect, which is the body’s increased use of oxygen after exercise. That bonus O2 gets the mental motor humming while also helping muscles and systems recover.

The trick for me is catching those thoughts when they pop up. Luckily, cellphones have voice recorder apps built in. That little digital choke collar is with me wherever I go, so I use it as my personal secretary to catch the thoughts exercise has generated.

Maybe you listen to podcasts or audiobooks while you exercise. I used to do the same on my walks. While those were educational and entertaining, they weren’t the same fuel for the muse. Now, I reserve walks for creative contemplation and use time in the car to listen to voices outside my head.

While writing is most always a sedentary venture, getting moving helps move your creative process along.

Author. Find everything me at linktr.ee/bowengillings