Time to Say Thank You

to so Many People

On this, the week-eve (?) of my first novel making its way into the world, it’s appropriate to take some time and give thanks to those who got me here. The list is long and (I am sure) full of gaps where I’ve forgotten a name or overlooked an influence. So, to the hundreds of folks who’ve touched my writing life and shaped my craft, I say thank you.

And let me be clear: I NEED writers and fellow creatives in my life. Sharing this creative journey with others in the same boat keeps me going. I can’t do this alone, nor would I want to. I found my first writers groups and critique partners thanks to the magic of the internet. Through them I found Pikes Peak Writers. Through PPW I found Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, and on and on. I thank all of those who connected with me along the way.

Let me be specific for a few paragraphs, because there are some names out there whose impact sticks in the forefront of my writer mind. Again, this is not a ranked list and I don’t wish to hurt the feelings of anyone I don’t mention. Please, all my friends, know that I deeply appreciate how you’ve molded me.

In 2016, at my first writers conference experience, providence introduced me to literary agent Suzie Townsend. She read one page of my work in progress and asked for the chapter. After reading it (that night, at the conference) she found me and asked, “Where’s the book?” I didn’t have a book. I still don’t have THAT book (the muse took me elsewhere). But Suzie set a fire in me that still burns, the notion that out there is someone who wants to read what I write. Thank you, Suzie for giving me the initial confidence to carry on. Since you did that to me, I’ve done my best to carry on, and encourage others.

The shifting priority of the muse came to me one night at an improvisational writing session run by Deb Courtney. That was where, in response to a writing prompt–“Once again, I brought a knife to a gun fight”–the first seeds of what would grow to be Exceptionals took root. Thank you for that, Deb.

No writer writes alone.

Over these past few years I’ve had the good fortune to meet and (dare I say) connect with some big writing names at conferences: Mary Robinette Kowal, Tess Gerritsen, Jonathan Maberry, Rachel Howzell Hall, and John Gilstrap, to name a few. What I loved, was learning that “celebrity” authors are just normal people who’ve figured out how to make a career out of creativity. MRK and I talked about puppetry. Tess and I gabbed for twenty minutes about geology. Jonathan Maberry let me turn him into a game show contestant. Howzell Hall and Gilstrap gave me advice, input, and blurbs on my work. Love them all. John Gilstrap even met up with me while my family was vacationing in the Virginia. He also recommended me to his agent (which is such an awesome jolt for a rookie). All these great humans have my thanks. Their time, effort, and humanity girder my confidence as a writer. Thank you!

I have had the fortune to engage with Carol Berg, David R. Slayton, Dan Grant, Jason Henry Evans, Heather Webb, Aimie K. Runyan, Todd Fahnestock, Kameron Claire, Shannon Lawrence, and so many others whose golden drops of wisdom and encouragement stick with me. Thank you to them.

In broad strokes, thank you to the writer members of Pikes Peak Writers and Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers who help others in their writing journey. Thank you to my various critique partners over the years. Anything that’s earned five stars is due to you. Thank you to readers and editors and fans. Kathie S., for taking the reins of Fresh Starts and including me in that first PPW anthology, you’re awesome. Thank you to those whose names don’t appear in this rambling bout of endearing acknowledgement.

Thank you, readers, editors, and fans.

I would be remiss if I did not thank Exceptionals‘ first fan. Brook asked to read my manuscript back when we were coworkers and she was working on her own non-fiction project. She read my manuscript in less than a week and praised it so much another coworker asked to read it. Brook, my first fan, you have my eternal thanks. Also, my thanks to my most outspoken fan Lou J. Berger. Lou was an editor on the first anthology I ever entered and today stands as a voluntary editor of my work and vocal fan of what I write. Thank you Lou.

Lastly, my heartfelt, soul-wrenching thanks to my wife and daughter. For…everything. I love you.

Thank you to you for reading this.

Author. Find everything me at linktr.ee/bowengillings