Changing with the Times

I am a Luddite. Admission made, and made proudly. Except for a brief time in the third grade when Pinedale Elementary brought an Apple II C into each classroom and I embraced the glory that was Oregon Trail, I have always been behind the times and frustrated by technology. Like swimming against a riptide, I fight to hold the ground I’ve gained only to realize that in my struggles I have been swept further out to sea. Now there is even greater distance between me and the shores of technological advancement. In some ways I am changing with the times, and yet I fight on, not wanting to let SkyNet take over.

As a self-published author, I must have SOME understanding of the tools necessary for my trade: writing software, publishing software, website building and management, social media, online marketing and publicity, newsletters, email lists, and on and on. To get my stories to readers I must dive into the mosasaur and box jellyfish-infested waters of the internet, technology, and countless hours dedicated to publicizing my work versus writing new material.

A certain amount of tech savvy is necessary to self-publish. It just is.

Recently, and thanks to an author friend, I have been turned on to LinkTree, BookFunnel, and Discord. LinkTree allows me to build one page so readers like you connect to all the sites where me and my books can be found. BookFunnel allows me to connect subscribers to reader magnets (i.e. freebies) and landing pages where they can buy my books more easily. In fact, if you’ve ever subscribed to, I encourage you to do so again. Thanks to BookFunnel, you WILL get a free epub!

Discord…I’m still unsure about Discord. I know Midjourney AI resides there (a place to get AI-generated artwork, if that’s your thing) and I once volunteered at a conference that used Discord to communicate amongst the volunteer teams. Other than that, I have no idea of its utility or advantage over, say, group text or email. Anyway, learning Discord is on my list to keep changing with the times.

Using sites like I have promoted my book (Cover contest closes tomorrow, so vote now HERE). GoodReads garners reviews. BookBub pushes sales. I have a presence on so many sites that I have to scroll through my bookmarks just to check I am up to date in each space. THIS is why authors hire assistants.

In short, I am learning. With a head as thick as mine, it’s a slow process. But the wheels are turning. I am still swimming. And despite my own resistance, I am changing with the times…though at a few years remove from the contemporary.

Author. Find everything me at