This month is all about those wondrous creatures of myth and legend. Goblins, griffons, and ghouls. Sphinx, specters, and sea serpents. Oh, and let’s not forget demons, dust devils, and dragons!
August (with its grand name) is a month for stories featuring legendary beasts and monsters. You can find many great ones (both stories and beasts) in this collective promotion of Dragons and Mythical Creatures.

You can connect to some great authors and try out some new tales of wonder and magic. Wonder is a loose term to incorporate tales that take you somewhere unknown and unexpected. Though, it could also mean taking you to a land so terrifying you need to pack a change of drawers wherever you go!
So laugh, cry, or get a shiver or two with stories about these creatures of myth. You’ll find my The Priest, the Beast, and the Bride in there, too. Chances are you’ve read that one. What? You haven’t? Well, take advantage of this promo, sign up for my newsletter, and a copy of this tale of a wondrous wedding crasher is all yours.