It’s My Birthday!

Free DEC 11-15, 2022
Free DEC 11-15, 2022

Today’s my birthday and to celebrate, I’m giving gifts to you. Today until December 15th you can download my Dawn Trouble and The Wedding Guest ebooks for FREE! That’s right, both ebooks can be yours for the same price as, well, a breath or snapping your fingers or digestive bloating. Not that you want any part of that last one, but still, we’re talking FREE.

If two free short stories isn’t gift enough, then how about a hundred-page novella for only 99-cents? For the same five day window, December 11-15, the ebook of A Night to Remember is just $.99. You pay five times that for your grande half-caff sugar-free oat milk mochaccino that brings you mouth joy for what, thirty minutes? I’m giving you a story that could speed your Denver to Chicago flight time and fill your life with a ocean of wondrous memories. Plus you can read it over and over, share it with your friends, pass it down to your grandchildren as the heirloom it’s destined to be.

Only $.99 from DEC 11-15, 2022

One request: please, PLEASE, once you’ve read a tale (mine and anyone else’s) go online to Amazon or Barnes & Noble or wherever you got the book, and leave a revue. Revues not only fuel the algorithms for sales and rankings, they also fuel authors, who like knowing folks are reading their words.

So enjoy! Take advantage of my birthday good cheer. I wish you all the very best this Holiday Season.

Author. Find everything me at

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