Posts Tagged: craft of writing

Is it a question? A realization? An affirmation? Maybe it’s a bit of pride niggling at the back of the head? Superstar has social and egotistical connotations caught up in it. Those make the word a label either for derision or aspiration. However you look at it, there are a lot of words ending in -ion involved. Anyway, the point of the title, “Who’s a Superstar” is to prepare you (and me) for an announcement. I am going to be a superstar! I don’t mean that in the media maven, tabloid scandal way. The wonderful… Read Article →

This past weekend saw me at the 30th Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference in Colorado Springs. This is my home conference, the one I never miss and have been loyal to since 2016. The event was a blur. What with so many fellow writers to connect with and workshops to blow my brain, it’s no wonder I came home Sunday night and collapsed in bed before my daughter was even in her PJs. PPWC continues to be amazing and it’s timing this year was perfect. And so it’s time to share with you a bit… Read Article →

to so Many People On this, the week-eve (?) of my first novel making its way into the world, it’s appropriate to take some time and give thanks to those who got me here. The list is long and (I am sure) full of gaps where I’ve forgotten a name or overlooked an influence. So, to the hundreds of folks who’ve touched my writing life and shaped my craft, I say thank you. And let me be clear: I NEED writers and fellow creatives in my life. Sharing this creative journey with others in the… Read Article →

My first novel will step forth into the world on April 18, 2023. Exceptionals has been a labor of love nearly four years in the making. From short story to novel, it has seen critique group feedback, beta reader comments, and edits galore. However, as I’ve just discovered, when it comes to honing the fine, knife’s edge of a finished novel, the power is in the proof. Proof copies are the first drafts of the published novel. They are the initial look at how the cover design fits on the selected format. Mine, for example,… Read Article →

This week’s blog is somewhat of a two-parter. This first part is a tease to read the second, and check out the amazing work of award-winning mystery and thriller author Donnell Ann Bell. Her blog this week features a contribution by yours truly talking about inspiration and rabbit holes and clowns for some reason. What can I say? Author’s get their stories from odd places. Check out the whole thing and explore Donnell’s website and works HERE.

Yes, this week’s blog is a bit late and there is no excuse for tardiness. I’ve tried teaching that to my 11-year-old, but the lesson sticks about as well as olive oil on teflon. Anyway, this week I want to talk about two books: mine and one by Steven Pressfield. If you read last week’s blog, you know I dove into a deep rewrite on my work in progress (what we in the business call a WiP [by the business I mean writers with delusions of grandeur]). It has proved a most rewarding endeavor. The… Read Article →

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