Posts Tagged: fiction

Ebook Available Now! A nervous priest with urgent indigestion has to keep the wedding of the season on track despite a pompous groom, an overbearing baron, and an uninvited guest who insists on wishing the bride well, despite all the guests fleeing in terror. Download your copy on Amazon or wherever you get your ebooks.

Three new titles are coming your way over the next six months. The season of giving is fast approaching. What better gift to give a loved one than a rollicking good story? While you can go to right now and pick up Dawn Trouble, Fresh Starts, and A Night to Remember (all awesome), there are more titles coming your way! Thanksgiving Day (that’s November 24th for you lovely non-American folks) will see the wide release of A Night to Remember both in ebook and in revamped paperback (different layout, different format, same fun story)…. Read Article →

October 27th at Tattered Cover in Colorado Springs Please, join me for a book signing event at Colorado Springs’ newest bookstore, Tattered Cover. Featured authors from Pikes Peak Writers will be on hand to sign both Dream (2022) and Fresh Starts (2021). My story Dawn Trouble features in the latter. So come and explore the newest addition to our region’s bookselling scene at 112 N Tejon St. While browsing, pick up copies of the two PPW anthologies and get them signed at our author table. Chat with us, we’re pretty nice folks. Pikes Peak Writers… Read Article →

After months of waiting, Dawn Trouble is now on as a Kindle ebook. Sorry (not too sorry), but it’s not available for free through Kindle Unlimited. While I encourage readers to enjoy my wayward heroes Rom and Drood as part of Pikes Peak Writers debut anthology Fresh Starts, if you’re a Kindle reader, you can now own the tale as a standalone ebook. Anything new if I get Dawn Trouble on Amazon? Well, you get my sweet cover art, some nifty new formatting, and a shameless plug to read my other stories on the… Read Article →

Part 3: Writers Groups and Networks Surprise! A Writer’s Toolbox was originally intended as a two-parter focused on print and digital resources I use to help me in my fiction writing journey. However, no writer’s kit is complete without actual human resources. You know, peers and pros, fellow writers and the knowledge and wisdom they provide both as individuals and in organized (sometimes) groups. So, this unforeseen third installment of A Writer’s Toolbox will look at the people who help me out. Thank you to every one of them! At a certain point (the earlier… Read Article →

Part 2: Print Resources This second part of A Writer’s Toolbox covers the print resources I keep close at hand to aid in my fiction writing. If you missed part one about the online resources I use, you can check it out here. I’ll admit, I’m not as quick to buy a printed book as I once was. With ebooks and audiobooks, I consume perhaps 20% of the print books I used to. So, when I do buy a book, it’s one I know I will reread. That goes double for instructional resources. The following… Read Article →

The original Rom & Drood story is available on ebook! Rom and Drood are at it again–off to save some backwater village from imminent doom. This time, the two aging heroes may have bitten off more than they can chew when they find doom is exactly what’s coming, in the form of an unstoppable mass of roiling, rippling evil. Now, it will take every ounce of their wits, skill, and luck–plus a bit of help from on high–to survive the night, destroy the monster, and get back in time for a pint. Dawn Trouble is… Read Article →

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