Posts Tagged: gratitude

to so Many People On this, the week-eve (?) of my first novel making its way into the world, it’s appropriate to take some time and give thanks to those who got me here. The list is long and (I am sure) full of gaps where I’ve forgotten a name or overlooked an influence. So, to the hundreds of folks who’ve touched my writing life and shaped my craft, I say thank you. And let me be clear: I NEED writers and fellow creatives in my life. Sharing this creative journey with others in the… Read Article →

Go to any writers conference and there will be a set of workshops on the business side of writing. They’ll cover marketing and promotion, book deals and contracts. You’ll learn about newsletters and mailing lists and the infinite techniques used to build your readership. Because that’s what you want, right? You want readers. You want fans. I want readers. Every author who puts their babies out there, exposed to the world, wants them read (and reviewed, please!). Readers equal sales. They fuel the desire to produce and publish more. They keep the pressure on to… Read Article →

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