Posts Tagged: marketing

Summer finally arrived in Colorado after weeks of unseasonal cool, wet weather. As chance would have it, we’d planned a camping trip for this past weekend months in advance. Lucky us. I also took advantage of a sale at my favorite local liquor shop to venture back into the world of scotch. And on the 21st, I am a guest at a book club that read Exceptionals. Yes, it has been a weird week of camping, books, and booze. First, I love Colorado. I love its wild outdoors, four true seasons, and capacity for reminding… Read Article →

Yeah, this post is late and I’m sorry about that. However, my to-do list has gotten so long I forgot until ten minutes ago that it was even Tuesday. Crazy as these last seven days have been, all in all it has been a good week, a week of ups and ups. Of course, going up is hard work whether you’re flapping your wings or tackling the Manitou Incline and hard work has been happening with me. My day job is undergoing restructuring and redefining of positions. They call it “onboarding.” I call it having… Read Article → has been a thing for nearly five years (yeesh!). In that time those paying attention have surely noticed a lot of changes. From the look and theme of the site to expanding content to more books (yay!) to this here blog, the website has grown and morphed. At times keeping this thing going has been a pain, at times a joy. And now is growing again as I offer up a newsletter! The newsletter will not be available on the website itself, but those of you who subscribe will find it (or a… Read Article →

I am a Luddite. Admission made, and made proudly. Except for a brief time in the third grade when Pinedale Elementary brought an Apple II C into each classroom and I embraced the glory that was Oregon Trail, I have always been behind the times and frustrated by technology. Like swimming against a riptide, I fight to hold the ground I’ve gained only to realize that in my struggles I have been swept further out to sea. Now there is even greater distance between me and the shores of technological advancement. In some ways I… Read Article →

My calendar has been jam-packed this last month. With a book launch, writers conference, interviews, and contests, not to mention wrapping up the school year for my daughter which adds on musical reviews and contests, concerts, track and field competitions, and a Revolutionary Ball (ask me about it later), it’s been nigh impossible getting any real writing done with so much going on. I shouldn’t complain. A full calendar is a blessing. It’s hard to waste time you don’t have. With that in mind, here are some highlights I’d like to share and, in some… Read Article →

(and Desperation) I figured it’s time to include you in a little fun (aka problem) I’m having. My current work in progress needs a title. So I’m throwing it open to you, my friends and readers, to offer up suggestions and pic the winner. Here are the rules of the contest: Story Summary: In a fantastical blend of Wild West meets Discworld, a clumsy youth with a heart to match his seven-foot frame must partner with his outlaw sorceress mother and snarky kobold best friend to save their frontier hometown from a greedy mining baron… Read Article →

A 3-Part Series on How to get the Most Out of a Conference Part 3: Be Thankful Writers conferences rock. I mean that. They are pure energy and by the time they’re done, you feel sparks in your fingertips. You’re juiced and ready to fly (or write, right now). And yet, far too many attend a conference (often at sizable expense) without the faintest idea how to truly get their money’s–and effort’s–worth. In this last of three installments, we will look at what to focus on once you’ve stepped out the door and headed home…. Read Article →

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