Posts Tagged: networking

Life throws opportunities at us every day and it’s our job to recognize them and take advantage. Not in a greedy, selfish way, but in a this-may-never-happen-again sort of way. Today, I got to shake hands and trade stories with NYT best selling author and creator of the Walt Longmire series, Craig Johnson. Now, Craig and I talked for all of sixty seconds, but I got a photo op and managed to tell him A) thank you for coming to Colorado and B) that Pikes Peak Writers Conference (my home con) has long sought him… Read Article →

Go to any writers conference and there will be a set of workshops on the business side of writing. They’ll cover marketing and promotion, book deals and contracts. You’ll learn about newsletters and mailing lists and the infinite techniques used to build your readership. Because that’s what you want, right? You want readers. You want fans. I want readers. Every author who puts their babies out there, exposed to the world, wants them read (and reviewed, please!). Readers equal sales. They fuel the desire to produce and publish more. They keep the pressure on to… Read Article →

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