Posts Tagged: writers organizations

There is an overwhelming array of professional organizations for writers out there, set up to help writers learn, grow, publish, and market their work. Unfortunately, scattered among the bountiful harvest are a bunch of weeds. Some are noxious, even malicious in nature. I’ve found others weren’t so much problematic as they were unproductive. A good professional writers organization proves its worth with every interaction. The first writers organization I joined was Pikes Peak Writers, and I retain my active membership to this day. PPW is a wonderful non-profit providing quality resources and opportunities for the… Read Article →

Part 3: Writers Groups and Networks Surprise! A Writer’s Toolbox was originally intended as a two-parter focused on print and digital resources I use to help me in my fiction writing journey. However, no writer’s kit is complete without actual human resources. You know, peers and pros, fellow writers and the knowledge and wisdom they provide both as individuals and in organized (sometimes) groups. So, this unforeseen third installment of A Writer’s Toolbox will look at the people who help me out. Thank you to every one of them! At a certain point (the earlier… Read Article →

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