Posts Tagged: writing workshops

This past weekend saw me at the 30th Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference in Colorado Springs. This is my home conference, the one I never miss and have been loyal to since 2016. The event was a blur. What with so many fellow writers to connect with and workshops to blow my brain, it’s no wonder I came home Sunday night and collapsed in bed before my daughter was even in her PJs. PPWC continues to be amazing and it’s timing this year was perfect. And so it’s time to share with you a bit… Read Article →

Registration is open Hello Fellow Writers! It’s registration time for Pikes Peak Writers Conference – “Wordstock ’23: 3 Days of Peace, Love & Writing!” Join me there for my workshop And…ACTION! Fighting and Fight Scenes 101 and see me on stage as the conference emcee. The crew putting this together are second to none. Check out all the info below.  Links embedded to help you navigate our conference website and registration.  Keynotes: We are thrilled to have amazing keynotes this year! And equally thrilled to announce our Featured Author is USA Today Bestseller Siera London. For more information about… Read Article →

Writers conferences aren’t cheap, but their benefits are priceless. Registration opened November 1st for the 30th Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. America’s Friendliest Conference is where the spark of my writing journey caught flame. The benefits of writers conferences like PPWC keep the fires burning even when rejection letters or life’s interventions threaten to dowse them with stank bog water. If you’ve never attended a writers conference, for those that are con-curious, please, allow me to illustrate a few reasons to fork over the dough and go… Read Article →

Writers conferences are fuel for my creativity. Gathering together with hundreds of other creatives generates a vibe, a visceral buzz and hum of energy that floods my circuits with a desire to knock out twenty-thousand words at one go. I love writers conferences. At least the ones I’ve been to. I started attending writers conferences in 2016 with the Pikes Peak Writers Conference (my home, first conference, and first love). That year I met NYT bestselling authors Kevin J. Anderson, Rachel Caine, Joe R. Lansdale, Jeff Lindsay, and Wendy Corsi Staub. My story idea–for I… Read Article →

Bowen is available to facilitate workshops for writers. Contact him here with a request. Workshops include: Bowen is an award-winning author and holds a Master of Education in Adult Education. He has facilitated over 1000 hours of instruction in and out of the classroom including workshops at the Colorado Gold Writers Conference and Pikes Peak Writers Conference. He is a veteran US Army officer, holds five martial arts black belt designations, and is a certified trainer through the National Association for Interpretation (NAI).

Praise for And…ACTION! (from PPWC 2023) “Excellent presenter, well-spoken, engaging, funny, and with a true wealth of information and experience. I took more notes in this session than in any other all weekend.”“Great workshop! Presenter was dynamic, content was useful.”“Fantastic session! Offered a lot of valuable material with excellent examples.”“I liked how educated this presenter was on fighting and how different people will fight. I think this could make a great master class.”“Standing room only!” 5-time martial-arts black-belt, army veteran, and award-winning author Bowen Gillings breaks down writing the successful fight scene. Looking at a… Read Article →

Most writers understand that receiving criticism is one way to improve their writing. However, giving criticism holds equal value when done correctly. Conducting a good critique of another’s work will help you see the strengths and weaknesses in your own writing. This workshop delves into the techniques of an effective critique: how to listen to yourself as you read, identify the root of problems seen in character, story, and plot, and how to present a clear revision strategy for the other writer, all while dramatically improving your own writing skills. One-hour or Two-hour workshop options… Read Article →

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