Posts Tagged: writing workshops

Not all critique groups are created equal. A good one can ignite a writer’s passion for the craft, while a bad one can smother creativity and motivation like a wet blanket over a cold fire. This workshop addresses what to look for in critique groups, how to make a critique group work for you, and at what stages your work should be brought to critique. It also covers how to accept and use criticism, how to give it (and how not to), and knowing when it’s time for the group to dissolve. One-hour or Two-hour… Read Article →

Short stories provide tight, quick access to characters and narrative. Good ones encapsulate all the working pieces of a novel: voice, setting, story arc, etc. We’ll examine what to stretch, what to ditch, and what to add to turn your beloved short story into a full length novel manuscript. One-hour or Two-hour options Requires projector, screen, Mac dongle, dry-erase board, and markers Request this workshop on the Contact Me page.

Go to any writers conference and there will be a set of workshops on the business side of writing. They’ll cover marketing and promotion, book deals and contracts. You’ll learn about newsletters and mailing lists and the infinite techniques used to build your readership. Because that’s what you want, right? You want readers. You want fans. I want readers. Every author who puts their babies out there, exposed to the world, wants them read (and reviewed, please!). Readers equal sales. They fuel the desire to produce and publish more. They keep the pressure on to… Read Article →

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