Posts Tagged: writing

My first novel will step forth into the world on April 18, 2023. Exceptionals has been a labor of love nearly four years in the making. From short story to novel, it has seen critique group feedback, beta reader comments, and edits galore. However, as I’ve just discovered, when it comes to honing the fine, knife’s edge of a finished novel, the power is in the proof. Proof copies are the first drafts of the published novel. They are the initial look at how the cover design fits on the selected format. Mine, for example,… Read Article →

Happy Valentine’s Day! Those of you who read last Friday’s article on author Donnell Ann Bell’s blog learned about a weird story involving clowns and runaway acrobats. If you missed it, check it out here. Long story short, the book that grew from that weird tale of inspiration is ready to see the light. Exceptionals is available for pre-order and due to release on April 18, 2023! Exceptionals is a novel that started as short story response to a writing prompt at an improvisational writing session. Now, after years of submitting the manuscript to the… Read Article →

This week’s blog is somewhat of a two-parter. This first part is a tease to read the second, and check out the amazing work of award-winning mystery and thriller author Donnell Ann Bell. Her blog this week features a contribution by yours truly talking about inspiration and rabbit holes and clowns for some reason. What can I say? Author’s get their stories from odd places. Check out the whole thing and explore Donnell’s website and works HERE.

I have a new release coming out tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1st. First Family is the humorous story of a day in the life of Adam and Eve. Dad kicked them out of Eden so they settled in the suburbs. Here Adam keeps busy naming everything in Creation while Eve fixes his blunders and pines for a vacation. Meanwhile, their two live-in sons have a case of sibling rivalry that would make a therapist’s career. When Dad drops a line saying he’s coming for a visit, it opens up a world of possibility for Adam and… Read Article →

When to Stop Submitting Short Works and Self-Publish The short story marketplace is vast and growing vaster by the month. Any subscriber to Duotrope or user of Submission Grinder or any other of the consolidated listings of markets for flash fiction, short stories, novelettes, and novellas can see that there are near infinite places to submit work for publication, be they in print or an e-pub. The trick is to know when to stop submitting your short works and self-publish Why is it that most writers don’t get their work accepted into the pages of… Read Article →

Yes, this week’s blog is a bit late and there is no excuse for tardiness. I’ve tried teaching that to my 11-year-old, but the lesson sticks about as well as olive oil on teflon. Anyway, this week I want to talk about two books: mine and one by Steven Pressfield. If you read last week’s blog, you know I dove into a deep rewrite on my work in progress (what we in the business call a WiP [by the business I mean writers with delusions of grandeur]). It has proved a most rewarding endeavor. The… Read Article →

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