A Week of Ups & Ups

Yeah, this post is late and I’m sorry about that. However, my to-do list has gotten so long I forgot until ten minutes ago that it was even Tuesday. Crazy as these last seven days have been, all in all it has been a good week, a week of ups and ups.

Of course, going up is hard work whether you’re flapping your wings or tackling the Manitou Incline and hard work has been happening with me. My day job is undergoing restructuring and redefining of positions. They call it “onboarding.” I call it having to reapply for the same job I’ve been doing since 2015. This has made the atmosphere at my place of work a little more, shall we say, gritty. I love my team. I love my boss. I even love my boss’ boss. I hate being pushed into a corner where, if things keep going in a certain direction, I may have to step away from doing something I love in a place I love that I’ve dedicated so much of myself to for so long.

Can you feel me?

This past week saw positives on the author front as well. A well-published and well-regarded mystery author acquaintance drop a truly lovely review and endorsement of my work on BookBub. Two New York Times Bestselling author friends agreed to write letters of recommendation for me to aid in winning a scholarship to Superstars Writing Seminar 2024. This is a writers conference dedicated to the business of writing. Going would mean a step-up (see what I did there?) in my author game. In addition, my novel Exceptionals has been added to the Pikes Peak Library District catalog, a month-long promo of best summer crime reads has kicked off and features A Night to Remember, and I’ve been able to organize a group of eight authors to set up promo events and book signings.

Time for a beer, right?

Maybe a light beer. I’ve also joined a couple friends in a weight-loss challenge. I’m aiming for about 20 pounds by September. So far…two. I say this while munching fries at my new favorite local brewpub. Gonna have to get the sweat on something serious to show another loss by Friday (weigh-in day).

Anyway, It has been an overly positive week, even though I’ve had to hide my daughter’s electronics, played soccer mom shuttle so much I’ve filled the gas tank twice this week, and seem to have developed a pinched nerve in my mid-back. On the whole it has been a week of ups and ups.

Author. Find everything me at linktr.ee/bowengillings