Posts Tagged: marketing

Feel free to scroll down through my old blog entries but you won’t find much since December 2023. That’s because I’ve shifted my focus to producing a regular newsletter for my followers. So, if you want to stay up to date on what’s going on in my world, click below and subscribe. You’ll get a free ebook as a thank you from me!

To celebrate my 50th birthday I am taking two big leaps. One, the family and I are going on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to build memories and fulfill lifelong dreams. Two, I’m dropping the price on every ebook to $.99. Between December 10-12 every ebook I’ve published is available for less money than ANYTHING on the MacDonald’s value menu. A bottle of Yoo-hoo costs more. So does a pack of Trident. I invite you to join my birthday celebration by taking advantage of my poor, cake-and ice-cream-addled business sense. Each title is $.99.

Is it a question? A realization? An affirmation? Maybe it’s a bit of pride niggling at the back of the head? Superstar has social and egotistical connotations caught up in it. Those make the word a label either for derision or aspiration. However you look at it, there are a lot of words ending in -ion involved. Anyway, the point of the title, “Who’s a Superstar” is to prepare you (and me) for an announcement. I am going to be a superstar! I don’t mean that in the media maven, tabloid scandal way. The wonderful… Read Article →

The topic of artificial intelligence and its role in creative work has been all over the blogosphere. And rightly so. From deepfakes convincing us celebrities are doing things they aren’t really doing to DeepZen and Findaway Voices generating audiobooks in eerily true voices, artificial intelligence is everywhere in the creative space. Some see A.I. as a simple tool and nothing more. Others look at it as the doom of civilization. One thing is for sure: A.I. has a lot of potential. Is it a tool or trouble? Two of the biggest A.I. bots connected to… Read Article →

There is an overwhelming array of professional organizations for writers out there, set up to help writers learn, grow, publish, and market their work. Unfortunately, scattered among the bountiful harvest are a bunch of weeds. Some are noxious, even malicious in nature. I’ve found others weren’t so much problematic as they were unproductive. A good professional writers organization proves its worth with every interaction. The first writers organization I joined was Pikes Peak Writers, and I retain my active membership to this day. PPW is a wonderful non-profit providing quality resources and opportunities for the… Read Article →

I’m putting the blog in the back seat for a bit as I develop the scope and layout of my new quarterly newsletter. Once I have a format and a content set that I (and you) enjoy, then the newsletters will transition to monthly. Meanwhile (during the whilst?) this blog will be less than regular for a week or two. Bear with me. It will get back to a consistent and engaging schedule, I promise. So, if you’ll pardon me as I work things out with this newsletter, I promise your patience will be rewarded…. Read Article →

And other niceties Last month I sent out a call for help: naming my work in progress. I set up a contest running until June 16, promising the top five entries would then be offered up to you to pick the winner. Well, some things changed over the last month, mainly that I only received three title ideas. So, after shuffling and sorting and pondering through that deep field of contenders, I narrowed the field. Then I engaged in wordplay. And so it is with a gleeful heart that I announce the winner and the… Read Article →

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