Posts Tagged: Sale

And other niceties Last month I sent out a call for help: naming my work in progress. I set up a contest running until June 16, promising the top five entries would then be offered up to you to pick the winner. Well, some things changed over the last month, mainly that I only received three title ideas. So, after shuffling and sorting and pondering through that deep field of contenders, I narrowed the field. Then I engaged in wordplay. And so it is with a gleeful heart that I announce the winner and the… Read Article →

Today’s my birthday and to celebrate, I’m giving gifts to you. Today until December 15th you can download my Dawn Trouble and The Wedding Guest ebooks for FREE! That’s right, both ebooks can be yours for the same price as, well, a breath or snapping your fingers or digestive bloating. Not that you want any part of that last one, but still, we’re talking FREE. If two free short stories isn’t gift enough, then how about a hundred-page novella for only 99-cents? For the same five day window, December 11-15, the ebook of A Night… Read Article →

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