Welcome to the Official Site of Bowen Gillings!

Where to find me when:

February 5-8, 2025 – Superstars Writing Conference, Colorado Springs, CO

May 1-4, 2025 – Pikes Peak Writers Conference, Colorado Springs, CO

Exceptionals is out now!

This is the place to check out Bowen’s happening writing and writing happenings.

Bowen didn’t look to be a writer, but writing found him anyway. Since publishing his first offbeat short story in Allegory e-zine, Bowen has won awards for his work and continues to find homes for his quirky tales, boldly told.

Bowen’s stories are for fun-seekers, thrill-seekers, and joy-seekers. He writes for those who like to smile as they read. Quirky is his touchstone. Offbeat, his muse. If you’re looking to step away from characters of dark, brooding intensity or worlds devoid of hope, then look no further. This stuff is right up your alley…if you buy books in an alley.

Which is creepy.

Go to a bookstore.

  • New Release!

    Exceptionals is out and available NOW! And I have a gift for you as an enticement/thank you for being a StoriesbyBowen aficionado. My debut novel about a federal protection agent who teams up with his jilted, black belt ex-fiancé and a band of college campus oddballs to protect a young woman with extraordinary abilities from…

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  • Time to Say Thank You

    to so Many People On this, the week-eve (?) of my first novel making its way into the world, it’s appropriate to take some time and give thanks to those who got me here. The list is long and (I am sure) full of gaps where I’ve forgotten a name or overlooked an influence. So,…

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  • No Post Post

    Today I give you nothing. I’d apologize, but why? What good would it do? Today is the Tuesday I decided to take a break. Oh, there is plenty on the horizon: book release, conference, me teaching at conference, WiP, fitness kickstart/reboot, the Dungeons & Dragons movie (fun times) and sooo much good bourbon out there…

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  • Networking a Con

    A 3-Part Series on How to get the Most Out of a Conference Part 3: Be Thankful Writers conferences rock. I mean that. They are pure energy and by the time they’re done, you feel sparks in your fingertips. You’re juiced and ready to fly (or write, right now). And yet, far too many attend…

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  • Networking a Con

    A Three-Part Series Covering How to Get the Most Out of a Writers Conference Part 2: Be Friendly A writers conference is a magical time. Writers from different locations and backgrounds, all with the imagination, dream, and drive to put their tales to paper (or digits) gather together to drink too much coffee and talk…

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  • Networking a Con

    A Three-Part Series Covering How to Get the Most Out of a Writers Conference Part 1: Be Prepared I love attending a writers conference. There is a vibe unique and powerful when so many creative souls are gathered together united by a singular event. And yet, far too many attend a conference (often at sizable…

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  • Bittersweet Anniversary

    March 6th will forever remain a sore date. It marks the bittersweet anniversary of my mom’s passing. I say the anniversary is bittersweet because the loss still pains me but the lessons and memories she left with me are all frosted with joy, tenderness, and wisdom. There is a pain to loss that eases with…

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  • Power in the Proof

    My first novel will step forth into the world on April 18, 2023. Exceptionals has been a labor of love nearly four years in the making. From short story to novel, it has seen critique group feedback, beta reader comments, and edits galore. However, as I’ve just discovered, when it comes to honing the fine,…

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  • The Decline of the American Movie, Maybe

    Any YouTube aficionado will have likely stumbled across movie and media commentary channels galore. Some offer simple reviews while others are thinly veiled fronts for political or cultural posturing. Either way, there is a lot of content out there covering the American movie scene. Sadly, there is a pattern to much of this coverage. American…

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  • EXCEPTIONALS is Available for Pre-Order!

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Those of you who read last Friday’s article on author Donnell Ann Bell’s blog learned about a weird story involving clowns and runaway acrobats. If you missed it, check it out here. Long story short, the book that grew from that weird tale of inspiration is ready to see the light. Exceptionals…

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