Welcome to the Official Site of Bowen Gillings!

Where to find me when:

February 5-8, 2025 – Superstars Writing Conference, Colorado Springs, CO

May 1-4, 2025 – Pikes Peak Writers Conference, Colorado Springs, CO

Exceptionals is out now!

This is the place to check out Bowen’s happening writing and writing happenings.

Bowen didn’t look to be a writer, but writing found him anyway. Since publishing his first offbeat short story in Allegory e-zine, Bowen has won awards for his work and continues to find homes for his quirky tales, boldly told.

Bowen’s stories are for fun-seekers, thrill-seekers, and joy-seekers. He writes for those who like to smile as they read. Quirky is his touchstone. Offbeat, his muse. If you’re looking to step away from characters of dark, brooding intensity or worlds devoid of hope, then look no further. This stuff is right up your alley…if you buy books in an alley.

Which is creepy.

Go to a bookstore.

  • Check Out Donnell Ann Bell’s Help from my Friends Friday!

    Award-winning romantic suspense and mystery author Donnell Ann Bell connects with me about inspiration. Check out my wiseass words of wisdom on her weekly blog.

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  • Find Me on Author Donnell Ann Bell’s Blog!

    This week’s blog is somewhat of a two-parter. This first part is a tease to read the second, and check out the amazing work of award-winning mystery and thriller author Donnell Ann Bell. Her blog this week features a contribution by yours truly talking about inspiration and rabbit holes and clowns for some reason. What…

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  • New Release!

    I have a new release coming out tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1st. First Family is the humorous story of a day in the life of Adam and Eve. Dad kicked them out of Eden so they settled in the suburbs. Here Adam keeps busy naming everything in Creation while Eve fixes his blunders and pines for…

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  • Thank You for Being a Friend

    Friendships can be many things: sounding boards, touchstones, shoulders to cry on, partners in crime. All friendships share one thing in common: a mutual sense of necessary relationship. Friends understand (consciously or not) the length and breadth of their mutual devotion. If they don’t, then it’s not truly a friendship. It’s an association with potential.…

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  • Pulling the Trigger:

    When to Stop Submitting Short Works and Self-Publish The short story marketplace is vast and growing vaster by the month. Any subscriber to Duotrope or user of Submission Grinder or any other of the consolidated listings of markets for flash fiction, short stories, novelettes, and novellas can see that there are near infinite places to…

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  • Excited Apologies: Two Books Have Occupied My Time

    Yes, this week’s blog is a bit late and there is no excuse for tardiness. I’ve tried teaching that to my 11-year-old, but the lesson sticks about as well as olive oil on teflon. Anyway, this week I want to talk about two books: mine and one by Steven Pressfield. If you read last week’s…

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  • Jumping the Track

    Of Rabbit Holes and Revisions My current work in progress was born of two parents. One, to create a humorous, offbeat fantasy a la Terry Pratchett and two, to follow a writing guide, i.e. the Hero’s Journey (and Donald Maass’ Writing the Breakout Novel). The tale started well enough. But by the fourth and fifth…

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  • It’s the Holiday Season

    I’m taking a break from the keyboard this week to enjoy time with family and friends. My thoughts will be free to wander away from what happens next in my work in progress. If life provides this same opportunity for you this week, take it. Grab it it with both hands and ride it out…

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  • Merry Christmas!

    And Why That’s Important No, this is not a “War on Christmas” diatribe. This is a reminder that Christmas is a National Holiday in the United States and many other nations. President Grant made it so the same year (1870) Thanksgiving and Washington’s Birthday became federal holidays. It was seen as a means of healing…

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  • Publishing With KDP and D2D

    How to Avoid the Landmines 98.2% of today’s self-published authors wet their feet with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). I made that stat up, but it’s gotta be close. And rightly so, Amazon is THE main marketplace and an author can have a finished book out for sale with less than an hour’s work. So, it…

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